Have you been denied social security benefits?
If you are disabled and trying to apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, we can help you through every step of the process.
Disability applications can be complicated and time consuming. If you do not fill out your application properly, you can be denied benefits and will have to wait a year or longer to reapply. SSD /SSI attorney Kyle Legel can guide you through the process and eliminate much of the stress that comes when you find yourself disabled and unable to work.

Kyle Legel handles all social security disability claims throughout Michigan
- SSD: Social Security Disability
- SSI: Supplemental Security Income
- Children’s SSI: Supplemental Security Income
- RSDI: Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
How much will I receive in SSD or SSI benefits?
The amount of Social Security benefits you can expect to receive depends on your earnings history. It could be anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month. Medicare attaches to SSD benefits two years after your entitlement date. Medicaid attaches to SSI benefits the month after your entitlement date.
How long does the Social Security claim process take?
A successful application could take around 20 months to process, depending on your case. Applications which require a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge take longer to process.
What will it cost me to hire Legel Law PLC to handle my Social Security claim?
It will cost you nothing unless we are successful in winning your case. The amount an attorney may charge in a Social Security Disability claim is fixed by law: 25% of your back-benefits or $6,000, whichever is less. An attorney may not charge a fee in a Social Security claim unless it is approved by the Social Security Administration.
If my application for benefits was denied, can I appeal the decision?
Almost certainly, yes. If you do, it is advisable to hire a Social Security lawyer. In our experience, many rejected claims are later approved on appeal or after a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
How long does it take to start receiving payments after I have been awarded benefits?
Generally you should expect to receive your monthly benefit checks within 60-90 days of being awarded benefits.
CALL KYLE TODAY! 989.448.7488
Kyle Legel handles all social security disability claims throughout Michigan
- SSD: Social Security Disability
- SSI: Supplemental Security Income
- Children’s SSI: Supplemental Security Income
- RSDI: Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
How much will I receive in SSD or SSI benefits?
The amount of Social Security benefits you can expect to receive depends on your earnings history. It could be anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month. Medicare attaches to SSD benefits two years after your entitlement date. Medicaid attaches to SSI benefits the month after your entitlement date.
How long does the Social Security claim process take?
A successful application could take around 20 months to process, depending on your case. Applications which require a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge take longer to process.
What will it cost me to hire Legel Law PLC to handle my Social Security claim?
It will cost you nothing unless we are successful in winning your case. The amount an attorney may charge in a Social Security Disability claim is fixed by law: 25% of your back-benefits or $6,000, whichever is less. An attorney may not charge a fee in a Social Security claim unless it is approved by the Social Security Administration.
If my application for benefits was denied, can I appeal the decision?
Almost certainly, yes. If you do, it is advisable to hire a Social Security lawyer. In our experience, many rejected claims are later approved on appeal or after a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
How long does it take to start receiving payments after I have been awarded benefits?
Generally you should expect to receive your monthly benefit checks within 60-90 days of being awarded benefits.